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Assignment #3-1



“It’s a series of spoken, audio episodes, often focused on a particular topic or theme, like cycling or startups. You can subscribe to the show with an app on your phone and listen to episodes whenever you like on your headphones, in the car or through speakers.”


In other words, a Podcast.


This unit is on podcasts.  You are going to learn about them, listen to them and create one!


First of all, you will explore podcasts.  I want you to find THREE podcasts on each of the following topics:

  • Personal Development

  • Career

  • Education

  • Topic of interest . . . your choice


On the Assignment 3-1 tab, you are to list three separate podcasts under each of the above categories and a link to them (not a specific episode, more like the Podcast Home Page).


Next, pick two podcasts (must be from two different categories) and listen to an episode.  Write a summary of the content and “review” the podcast.  Here is what you should include in your reviews:


1. Consistency

Being consistent with a podcast is vital, just so listeners can keep up with the timing. If a podcast is daily, weekly, or monthly, stick to it and don’t skip a day or week or month. People like to know that a podcast will be waiting for them at a particular time. Not being consistent, can easily make them lose interest in you and your work.


2. Good Sound Quality

The audio is clear so that listeners don’t get frustrated with the podcast. No one wants to listen to a podcast with poor sound quality.


3. Engaged Audience

A podcast host should speak to the audience as if they are right there with them. They can engage by asking listeners to leave a review on their website, send emails, leave voicemails, and even send a tweet. Creating a Facebook group for listeners wouldn’t be a bad idea either.


4. Amazing Guests

At times, a guest can either break or make a podcast or a particular episode. The guest either has to have incredible delivery (great speaker!) or be a  subject “expert.”


5. Knowledgeable Host

How much does the host know about the topic? Do they want to discuss a topic because it’s trending but they have little or no knowledge about it?  A host needs to be well-informed for every topic and episode, that is the only way your audience will benefit from listening to you. Or, if the podcast relies on guests, is the host good at interviewing so the guest shares interesting and meaningful information?


6. Fantastic Episodes Titles

The first impression matters a lot when it comes to podcast titles. A title should be able to draw attention and captivate the minds of people to listen to your podcasts. If there isn’t a good title, listeners might not bother to click play.


Embed the two episodes on this same tab.


Finally, time to create your own podcast episode. Provide the following:

  • Name:  What will you call your podcasts (not one episode)

  • Topic (not of one episode for the entire series)

  • Topic of the specific episode you will create:  

  • When you create your podcast, keep in mind the same review topics as listed above!


Use on your mobile device to create your podcast. It will be necessary to do some planning and research in order to create a podcast that is a minimum of 5 minutes in length.  Do the work!


When you complete your episode, you need to embed your podcast on the Assignment 3-1 tab.


Below is what your Assignment 3-1 tab should look like (in terms of layout/format)


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