Basic Digital Photography
This hands-on course is an introduction to digital photography. Topics covered include photography basics, the different types of cameras and how to use them, image composition, editing, and an introduction to portrait photography. This course will also feature Adobe Photoshop. These concepts will enable the student to be more knowledgeable and prepared to enter the field of commercial photography. Each student will display their projects in an online portfolio. Students are advised to continue on with the Advanced Commercial Photography course.
Advanced Commercial Photography
This hands-on course is a follow-up to the prerequisite Basic Digital Photography class. It is designed for students who want to further enhance their photographic knowledge and abilities, but already have a basic understanding of photography. Students will continue to develop their creative portfolios. Topics covered include a greater understanding of cameras, advanced composition, portraiture, studio lighting, product photography, and methods to earn photography income.
D-TV is a student-run club producing weekly news broadcasts played during homeroom class. This is a hands-on course focusing on collaboration and project management. Students produce news stories during class, including writing scripts and interview questions, story planning, timeline management, and video production and editing. This course is open to all students at any level, and although it is not required, it is helpful if you have experience with digital media, and is beneficial to students looking for a career in broadcast journalism.
Digital Graphic Arts Intro (formerly Digital Media 1A and Desktop Publishing)
This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills related to the graphic design industry. It is intended to serve as a starting point for several pathways including Digital Media, Graphics and Printing, 3D Animation, and Game Development. This includes instruction and hands-on assignments in the following areas: creative design and layout, typography, color, and related software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign). This is a project-based class, and when combined with Digital Media 1 (formerly Digital Media 1B) the following semester, four Concurrent Enrollment college credits can be earned for completion of both courses in one year. Digital Media 2, 3D Graphics, 3D Animation, Computer Science Principles, and Introduction to Interactive Media is recommended for the following year.
Digital Media 1 (formerly Digital Media 1B)
This course is the second part of Digital Graphic Arts Intro, and is not offered separately. Digital Media 1 is the second semester to a year-long course covering Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Animate, Audition, After Effects, and Premiere Pro. Skills learned in this course include project management, principles of design, illustration, image editing, desktop publishing, animation, and audio and video production. To earn CE credit, enrollment in this class must follow the completion of Digital Graphic Arts Intro during the same year school year.